Will you be our new
50/50 partner?

If you're a student or a young content creator looking for a fun and rewarding way to earn money, we’ve got the perfect opportunity for you.

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I made $480/week with a few videos for Olovka 🤯

Help your followers reach their academic potential!

Olovka isn’t just any app – it’s the ultimate AI essay writer and learning companion that helps students like you ace their papers and exams.



Fill out our simple application form to join the Olovka Influencer Program.



Start recording awesome content featuring Olovka. Highlight its features, show how it works, and share your personal experiences with it.



Post your videos on TikTok and Instagram with your affiliate link. The more you share, the more you earn as more users sign up with your link.



Watch your commissions grow as your followers start using Olovka. You'll get paid 50% of the revenue generated from your promotion!

Frequently asked questions

What is the Olovka Influencer Program?

The Olovka Influencer Program allows social media creators, especially students, to promote Olovka on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. By creating and sharing content, influencers can earn a 50% commission on revenue generated from their referrals.

How do I apply to become an Olovka influencer?

Applying is easy! Simply fill out our application form on the link above. Once your application is approved, you'll receive a unique referral code to start promoting Olovka.

How much commission will I earn?

You will earn a 50% commission on the revenue generated from your referral code. This is a generous share, given that we handle all the product development and maintenance costs.

What kind of content should I create?

Create engaging and authentic content that highlights Olovka’s features and benefits. You can show how it helps write tailored papers, generate quizzes for exam practice, or its built-in citation tools. Personal experiences and testimonials work great too!

Do I need a large following to join?

While having a large following can help you reach more people, it's not a strict requirement. We're looking for passionate and creative students who can genuinely showcase the benefits of Olovka.

How will I get paid?

Commission payments are made monthly. We'll keep track of the revenue generated through your referral code and transfer your earnings directly to your chosen payment method.

Can I track my earnings?

Yes, you will have access to a dashboard where you can monitor your referrals and earnings in real time. This way, you’ll always know how much you’re making.

What platforms can I promote Olovka on?

We encourage you to use TikTok and Instagram given their popularity among students. However, you can also promote Olovka on other platforms you use, such as YouTube or Twitter, as long as you adhere to our guidelines.

Is there any cost to join the program?

No, joining the Olovka Influencer Program is completely free. There are no hidden fees or costs involved.

How do I create effective content for Olovka?

Be authentic and creative. Showcase real-life scenarios where Olovka could be beneficial, such as writing essays or preparing for exams. Share your personal experience and encourage your followers to try it out.

Do you have any tips for maximizing my earnings?

Consistency is key. Regularly post content, engage with your followers, and highlight how Olovka makes studying easier. Use popular hashtags and collaborate with other influencers to reach a wider audience.

Where can I get more information if I have questions?

Feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help our partners!

Will you be our new
50/50 partner?

If you're a student or a young content creator looking for a fun and rewarding way to earn money, we’ve got the perfect opportunity for you.